Beyond The Blog: Live Interviews with Me!

Jan 2

Yo gurl has a lot of catching up to do around here! Bad news: I’m behind on sharing these topics. Good news: you’ll have a nice variety of content to read.

This blog and business continue to deliver pinch me moments. I’m forever grateful for the opportunities – one of which involves a getaway to the Ventana in Big Sur last week. Yes, as an Instagram trip! Seriously?! And my keynote speech in Toronto this Fall. You’ll hear more about those and many others in the coming weeks.

For now, I wanted to share 2 very fun interviews with yours truly.


A few months ago, Autumn from Space For Living contacted me about an interview on her podcast. In addition to being a professional organizer and mother of 3 herself, she and co-host Bethany Lockhart created an incredible podcast called A to B Podcast. I have no idea how Autumn has the time. Bethany is a kindergarten teacher too! How do these women do it?!

We taped the podcast one evening from my master closet (it’s where the best sound was in my house) and had the very best time – laughing and chatting away all about organizing. They asked some really great questions and it’s an episode not to miss!

My episode is 31 and can be found on their website here or in iTunes! Or you can listen to it right here!…

Enjoy the listen!


Just a few days after the podcast interview, I had the great honor of being interviewed by Jen from Pro Organizer Studio. We chatted for over an hour with her very engaged community of professional organizers on Facebook and talked about it all. Or at least as much as we could squeeze into well over an hours time. We could have kept going.

Jen edited our interview down to an hour and it can be seen here on her YouTube Channel…

Jen is a sweetheart and if you love the professional organizing profession, you must join her crew over on Facebook and YouTube!

Had the very best time!

A HUGE thank you again to both Pro Organizer Studio and the A to B Podcast for welcoming me so warmly. I truly had a wonderful time sharing and look forward to more interview opportunities in the future!

Enjoy guys!


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