A Simply Organized Mudroom

Mar 6

I guess calling this space a “mudroom” is a bit of stretch. It’s more like an organized shoe wall. But you get the idea!

This modest landing is at the top of a very steep staircase. It brings you from the garage to the house interior. You land in the laundry room when you walk in the door. And of course, with three children and a busy lifestyle – the shoes would simply get kicked off and become a tripping hazard.


Previously this family was using this small shelf…

You can see we could do a whole lot better. Look at this awesome amount of available wall space…

She opted for a simple Elfa set up. I added shelf liners to keep dirt from dropping into shoes below. And I added a couple baskets on the floor to gather small items like flip flops that don’t need to take up shelf space.


What an improvement!

The space looks brighter too!


If you’d like to see how I installed and organized this wall, you can watch the video right here!…

PSA: I’ve started sharing our video content on YouTube in the “shorts” section. I’ll share these videos on the blog as well, but if you’d like to see them sooner, be sure to follow me over on YouTube!

If you’re interested in the products used to create this mudroom wall, you can find them linked here!

Hope you are doing well! Back soon with another project!



comments +

  1. Armené Humber says:

    Love the idea of reversing the shoes to maximize space!

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Bay Area, California