Simple Solution: Magazine Files

Mar 7

Getting organized is simple.
This statement should come as no surprise to all of you…especially coming from me! The queen of simple organization ideas. Oh yes…thank you and yes please…I’ll gladly grab accept that crown.
I’ve been swamped with fun clients lately, so while I was fired up and happy, my poor home office was feeling pretty worn down. I found I was needing to do a little re-org. Yes, again – ha! Honestly, home offices…these spaces are an ongoing project, my friends. Mine fits in that category. For those reading along for a while, you may remember when I tweaked this little corner. Here it was before…

And then after I shopped around the house to make the same corner work harder, get items more accessible and overall just look better…
Issue lately is that I’m now finding I need those little drawers for different items. Previously they were filled with items that were stacked and I had to dig around. Items like dividers, label sheets, laminating supplies, notepads, file folders, resume paper, and printer ink.
Office supplies don’t need to live in drawers. Make them easily accessible in magazine files…

One of my favorite magazine files are these Bigso’s from The Container Store….

They are at a fairly good price point too!…

The muted finish keeps them classic, which means they will still work well for you if you decide to update your office decor.

I now have 8 magazine files on the bottom each shelf in my office and it’s amazing how much I was able to organize in this small space. Just popped a simple label on each magazine file…

I even have room for categories I was working toward getting organized – like my NAPO group, future blog ideas and inspiration, Simply Organized paperwork, and more…

Magazine files are easy to access. Just pull them out…



Not only can they hold a variety of items, they can hold a ton…vertically!…

This solution works well for those of you that don’t have desk drawers or a filing cabinet…all you need it a shelf. Even a desktop. Another simple solution…that works!…

Have a great day!

comments +

  1. Mel Keene says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the ideas, I've been brainstorming how to conquer my craftroom/office!

  2. […] Within my binder I keep 3 months of calendar…when one month ends, another month is added to the back. I update my binder monthly and previous months as well as upcoming months are organized here in my home office… […]

  3. […] here on the blog…products that have all been tried and tested by me and my clients. Recently I shared an easy solution used in my own home office…magazine […]

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