Simply Done: A Bright & Tidy Garage

Mar 13

Garages. Quite literally one of my favorite spaces to dig into and organize. Over the years on the blog I’ve talked a lot about how a garage can transform a home and the way you live in it. Yes, not an interior room – a garage! If structured and organized properly, the space not only provides room to store overflow items (or items that belong in your garage), but also inspires new hobbies or working on home improvement projects. And it’s also a happy moment when you’re able to park in there too!

I’ve had the great fortune of designing and organizing some of the most amazing garages. But last summer, I had the joy of helping a young family organize theirs. She worked with a local contractor to install these beautiful, bright, white cabinets so my job was simply organizing – not designing. And I had no issue with that!

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

I particularly love how the contractor set the cabinets up off the ground using industrial pipes. So cool!

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

I don’t like to put anyone on blast, but this is a small glimpse of their items that needed to be sorted, put away or sold…

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

This sweet family had just moved into this home so the view you see here is totally normal! The garage tends to be the last space sorted through as boxes / random items you’re unsure of will end up here during a move-in process.  Me and my little crew of summer interns sorted it out…

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

Then mom made the tough decisions about what would stay, go to donation or be sold. After that it was as easy as zoning, containing and putting away. Love these spacious cabinet interiors!…

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

One cabinet is dedicated to college / wedding memories and some of the kiddos special artwork, which we will sort through later.

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

( bins )

We needed a home for her out of season home decor…

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

And found just the right narrow cabinet bay to accommodate the collection…

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

Just love this bright garage! But sorta love this family more…

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

Garages are quickly becoming the new kitchens around here – equally spacious and stunning.

Have any plans to tackle your garage with Spring weather on the way? I’d love to hear about it!

Happy organizing!

A Bright & Beautiful Garage by Simply Organized

Shared with Tatertots & Jello

comments +

  1. Tiffany says:

    I itch to work on my garage every single time I pull in (at least I can park in there, right?!). I know there’s a ton that can just go away and then I will be able to reconfigure. It’s starting to warm up here in Texas and I’ll be hitting it in the next few weeks before we get too hot. My biggest issue is how to store our 7 bikes. My last attempt with a cool gizmo recommended by another organizing site failed. 🙁

  2. Sara says:

    The cabinets are beautiful! Do your remember where she got them from?

  3. I am a 5th grade teacher by day, and also own a family Polynesian dance studio. My garage is filled with school stuff, costume pieces, sewing machines and family holiday décor, memorabilia. I am more than overwhelmed when it comes to organizing my garage. I don’t know where to begin! Help!

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