I’m Sam, a Certified Professional Organizer® from the Bay Area, California and I’m so glad you’re here! This blog is the heart of what I do. I absolutely love combining beauty with function to create homes that are simply organized, and I want to teach you how. Discover home organization tips for real life and learn how to declutter, design and create an inviting space.


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This isn’t news to any of you – unless of course you’re new around here (hi…and welcome!) – but I am not a trendy or fashion-focused girl. I stick with the classics, what feels comfortable, will last a long time and is great quality. When I find the clothing that checks all the Sam boxes, […]

Filed in : Simply Organized Style

Some Recent Favorites + Ramblings + The Nordstrom Sale Ends Soon

July 30, 2019


An apology to my regular readers / friends if I sound like a broken record…definitely not aiming for that and certainly not letting the D word define who I am….but for a while the blog post intros may begin something like this… “Hey, last year I went through the final stages of a divorce, spent […]

Filed in : Home Improvement, Life Coach, Life Tips, Personal, Planners, Productivity, Professional Organizer

On Not Letting Life Events Steal My Motivation

Important Back to School Tasks for Parents

January 23, 2019


Not sure how it’s possible, but summer is about to screech to a jarring halt. And quickly. How in the World?! What’s funny is that typically I’m more than happy for the kids to head back to school. In all honesty, we’ve experienced a few brutal, stressful summers – big moves, expensive home improvement projects […]

Filed in : Kid Organization, Kitchen Organization, Mudroom Organization, Paper Organization, Planners, School Organization

My Most Important Back To School Organization Tasks

Overlooked Back-to-School Organization Tasks for Parents!

August 7, 2017


Had a couple “moments” during the last week. First, how is it already June?! Second, my entire home office collection sold in less than 3 hours! (photos/story below) How is the school year already coming to an end? And finally, how is it I’m already 1 year into my Erin Condren planner? Seriously. Is it just me or […]

Filed in : Office Organization, Planners, Productivity, Simply Organized Style

Bye Home Office, Hello New Planner!

My New Erin Condren Planner!

June 5, 2017


Remember that time I expressed my hesitation about switching to a smaller planner? A planner I had not DIY’d myself? Long gone are those days of worry. I am a convert. Hello, my name is Sam and I’m addicted to planners. Specifically, Erin Condren planners and accessories and I want to show some Galentine’s Day Love for My […]

Filed in : Paper Organization, Planners

Galentine’s Day Love for My Planner Friends

Erin Condren Valentine's Planner Accessories

January 31, 2017


OK, you guys. At the risk of sounding like a total fan-girl and gushing about how much I’m LOVING the Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle I’ve told you about, I’m going to chat with you guys again about the amazing content this bundle has. As a quick reminder, though, The Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle Is Almost […]

Filed in : All Organization, Cleaning Tips, DIY, Home Improvement, Professional Organizer

The Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle Is Almost Gone

January 29, 2017



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Bay Area, California