While organizing for a living tops my “favorite things to do” list, working out comes in a close second. I wasn’t always a gym girl – matter of fact, used to hate going before having kids and completely gave it up after having kids. I shared more about my story here in a previous blog post. But over the last 2 years, and with the help/guidance/inspiration of a great workout program (shared here), working out is part of my daily ritual. If I can’t do it everyday, which happens frequently, my mood is altered. At my age working out is important – for my overall health and to help me keep up with active kids. But truly, the real reason I’m a workout nut is the positive mental health benefits.
My job is not only physically demanding, it’s an emotional roller coaster. Working out gives me the space to clear my mind, focus on me for 1 hour, releases stress…and crazy enough, some of my best business-related ideas / decisions happen in the gym. Sometimes I can’t wait to workout just to see what my crazy mind will think up next!
Along with working out, eating better is a subject that matters to me. Working out is only a small part of the equation in your overall health. It’s the eating part that affects your end result. All honesty, I’ve never been much of a “sit down meal” person. I’m a snacker. While I’ve heard snackers are thinner people in general, because you’re spreading small meals throughout the day, I’d argue this could be worse for your diet if you aren’t prepared with healthy snacks. Instead of having a healthy sit down meal, a snacker could grab for lots of random things that aren’t so healthy.
A while ago I shared this list of the 20 foods I always have on hand, if you want to take a peek at that. This is still the same list of foods I work off of each week and can’t live without. But the other day a trainer at my gym shared a great list of 10 skinny snacks that are less than 200 calories and couldn’t wait to share it with you! These are delicious, well-balanced and will help you get ready for that swimsuit!
Yes, I just said swimsuit. #yikes
The Guac’d-Out Egg
1 chopped hard-boiled egg mashed with 2 tablespoons of guacamole atop 1 large whole grain cracker or Ak Mak
Ricotta, Apples & Cinnamon
1/3 cup low-fat or skim ricotta cheese mixed with 1 small chopped apple, sprinkled with cinnamon
Beans & Salsa
1 cup cooked black beans mixed with 1 cup salsa and topped with 1 tablespoon sharp cheddar cheese (optional)
The Nuttier Nut
1 rinsed and chopped celery stick filled with 1 tablespoon of nut butter (ideal ingredients = nuts and salt only) and topped with 7 almonds or 1 tablespoon slivered almonds
Almond Banana Berry Smoothie
1 cup vanilla or chocolate unsweetened almond milk + 1 cup frozen or fresh berries + 1 banana or 1 extra small banana and blended well
Turkey Topper
2 Ak Mak crackers topped with 2 tablespoons hummus, mustard (optional) and 1.5 ounces of roasted skinless turkey breast
Yogurt Power
1 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt + 1 cup berries + 1 tablespoon slivered almonds
My Go-To Egg
1 salted and peppered hard-boiled egg + 1 piece of hand fruit (i.e. 1 small banana, orange, apple, pear, peach, etc)
The Traveler
1 light string cheese or mini Babybel light cheese + 1 cup baby carrots dipped in 3 tablespoons hummus
The Nutty Cake
1 brown rice cake, topped with 1 tablespoon natural nut butter plus 1 sliced banana or 1 cup sliced strawberries as topping
Here’s a few more blog posts I’ve shared related to health & fitness!
2 Quick & Healthy Snacks I Always Have On Hand
If you have any great “skinny snack recipes” to share, please do so in the comments! Happy snacking everyone!
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